While there is no automatic timer that tells you exactly when you should move on from your entry level job, there are certain indicators you can look for to give you the confidence you need to take the next step, or perhaps, come to the conclusion that now simply isn't the time. It's not an easy decision, and you stand to risk quite a bit if you make the wrong one, but with the right consideration and logic-based thinking, you can drastically increase the chances of moving on at the right time. Here are some important questions you should consider when deciding:
Let's face it: our first job is often not the one we dream of. But there are valuable lessons and experiences you can benefit from by showing up every day and giving it 100%. You may feel that you're capable of a lot more and very overqualified. And although having ambitions of sitting at the head of the boardroom table is a good thing, you can't neglect the many steps you must take along the way before you receive that opportunity. Learn everything you can while in your current position, so you are well prepared when making your next move.
It's very important to remember that although a good resume is a valuable asset to possess, strong business relationships and contacts are priceless. High-level success in the business world is about more than just showing up on time and meeting deadlines. Building a great rapport with the people in your field, at all levels, is a key factor you should consider before attempting to move on from your entry level position.
Goal setting is a powerful tool that all successful individuals implement to stay on track and cross their respective finish lines. When writing down your goals, analyze if your timeline to success is feasible and if you have the qualifications to attain it. Be honest with yourself, and if the answer is “no”, consider where you think you need more patience, and do the work required to build yourself as a viable candidate for the position you ultimately want.
This question is often never asked simply because we all want to be the person that rises faster or does it better. But the truth is, observing and taking notes from the people who have succeeded to the levels you aspire to can give you valuable insight as to what the road ahead of you looks like, and what will be required. If someone several levels above you didn't leave their entry-level position until after a year on the job, there is probably an important reason for that, and it might be worth your while to understand why.
Entering the workforce is a tremendous accomplishment that you should be very proud of. But we know that it can sometimes be overwhelming without the right type of guidance and support. If you would like some advice on how you can confidently reach that next level of success,contact Rob Law Max Recruitment today!We're here to help.
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