Residential Carpenters - specialise in new-home building and renovations. As part of a single job, they will generally set out profiles for footings, walls, slabs, and frame and finish exterior walls, roofs, and decks. They also frame interior walls, install stairs, and install drywall (Gib), insulate walls, install joinery, install windows and doors and the hardware on the windows and doors. They will also co-ordinate with the other trades onsite to make sure the job is running to program.
Commercial Carpenters - typically remodel or build commercial buildings - i.e. car parks, office blocks, apartment complexes, malls, bridges and roading structures. As part of a job most commercial carpenters will assist in the concrete foundations, set out of columns, installation of in-situ beams, placement of stilton ribs and boards, tying steel. A Commercial Carpenter will also do the same tasks as a residential carpenter. Generally on a commercial site a Project Manager will be allocated to give the directions to the Leading Hand Carpenters onsite.
Construction Workers can expect to do some or all of the following:
$28 - 36 per hour
Tel +64 4 499 8800
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