Collecting and analysing social, environmental and economic How to Enter
To become a Senior Planner in New Zealand, you will need to hold a degree in Planning that is recognised by the New Zealand Planning Institution and be a full NZPI member. To accomplish that, you will need:
- To have completed a NZPI recognised planning degree and at least three years’ work experience in planning (including two years’ in New Zealand) OR
- At least seven years’ work experience in planning (including two years’ in New Zealand)
- To be currently working in the field of planning
- To have already completed the following core Continuing Professional Development courses:
- Planning for Maori Values: An Update
- Ethics for Planners
- Expert Witness – Presenting Planning Evidence
- Guide to becoming a Full Member of NZPI
- A course from the Plan Making series
- A course from the Resource Consents series
- Three NZPI members to sponsor your application (one must be a Full member, and have been for at least three years’)
- To provide a statement of experience corroborated by your employer
- To provide three copies of three separate work examples
- To conduct a satisfactory membership interview with a panel of three
Typical Responsibilities
- Planning buildings, streets, car parks, recreational parks, reserves, facilities and utilities
- Acquiring resource and planning consents
- Analysing the development of residential, environmental and commercial areas
- Researching and reporting the effects of proposed developments, particularly on the environment
- data
- Presenting reports to Government, local councils, companies and clients
For many Senior Planners, the next step in their careers is to stead towards executive management or Policy Administration.